
TBH | The Game of Honest Answers to Outrageous Questions

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Get real. Get weird. Get real weird. A party game that puts you into strange scenarios and asks you to predict the unpredictable. Our Kickstarter campaign is over, but you can still order an ADVANCE COPY of TBH on this page! Get your copy direct from the factory! *Advance copies usually take 2–3 weeks to arrive.*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New stretch goal reached!! Help us write prompts with: TBH WIP
over 3 years ago – Tue, Apr 20, 2021 at 08:31:16 PM

Welcome all new TBH backers!! 

We're pleased to announce we have DEMOLISHED our latest stretch goal. 

The base game will now have 100 more cards than we started with, and the NSFW Expansion will have 35 more. 

We have one more stretch goal still to go, in terms of packing this game with as much content as we hope!! Thanks very much for all your kind support, and for spreading the word as we close in on the last few weeks of this campaign.

Now that we're going to put all these extra cards into the game, we've been working through our list, and as always happens in cases like this, there are a few we've workshopped but still aren't quite happy with.

So, we thought we'd give you a shot at helping us out! 

This is an exercise we are calling:


Here's how it works!

Below are two of our rejected cards. I've removed a bunch of the key words that weren't making the card any better, and also blanked out the context so you will be able to bring FRESH, UNSULLIED EYES to it.

All the removed words have been replaced with Mad Lib-style blanks:

 Your job – if you choose to accept it – is to leave a comment on this post with your suggestions for those blanks! Just use the letters, like so:

"1A: lawn mower

1B: cheese slicer"

etc., etc. I purposefully filled in the WRONG THINGS into those blanks, so as not to INFLUENCE YOUR OWN CREATIVE EFFORTS.

Remember that these cards are weird, for sure, but they're also intended to present a situation that someone could actually think about quasi-seriously... So while the terms don't all have to relate to one another, they might want to occupy sort of a similar conceptual space. 

Or, not! Who knows what you'll come up with! No rules, just right.

HERE ARE THE PROMPTS – you can leave suggestions for any one, or all, or both, or a few, or whatever:

  • 1A: appliance
  • 1B: power tool
  • 1C: gross thing
  • 1D: adjective
  • 1E: adjective
  • 1F: soft food
  • 1G: important occasion


  • 2A: desirable thing
  • 2B: organization
  • 2C: reason for doing something
  • 2D: some feature of 2A
  • 2E: verb
  • 2F: body part
  • 2G: interval/frequency of time

Leave comments with your suggestions, and we'll plug our favorites into these cards for our next update!




Second stretch goal unlocked! More Twitch streams to come!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 07:47:40 AM

Wow! Our campaign has had a great week so far, and we have you to thank. 

So let’s get that out of the way: THANK YOU for backing, following, and shouting about our project.

We’ve unlocked another stretch goal: the base game will now include 300 cards, and the NSFW Expansion will contain 120 cards!

PLUS, we’re already 25% of the way to our NEXT stretch goal, which will add ANOTHER 25 base game cards and ANOTHER 10 cards to the NSFW Expansion.


You can help us get there by spreading the word! Here are some cool TBH clips on the various social medias:

with more to come on all of them soon! 

And here's another one for you to enjoy -- we asked some TBH questions during a recent Keep it 100 shoot, and these were some of the reactions:

If you missed our livestreamed TBH game last weekend, not to worry! We’ve just announced two more for this Friday and next Wednesday! We will be taking TBH questions from the Twitch chat, so come party with us:

••• This Friday, April 16th, we will be joined by our friends Matt Lubchansky, Jaya Saxena, and Whit Arner for a live game of TBH. Join us at 9 Eastern/6 Pacific for two hours of goofballery.

••• Next Wednesday, April 21st, we will be playing live again, this time joined by Joe Anderson and Tom Harrison of the podcast Anime Sickos! Tune in at 6:30 Eastern/3:30 Pacific.

Thank you again for your interest in TBH! Talk to you again soon!!

– Dave, Sara & the TBH team at Cut

Fully funded! Stretch goals revealed! Live on Twitch!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 12, 2021 at 08:39:08 PM

Happy Monday! TBH had a big weekend and we have some updates for you.

Goal reached!!

We reached our initial funding goal! Thank you all so much for backing and for spreading the word about our game. 

But the goals don't stop there: we've revealed our stretch goals! 

We've already written a lot of content for this game, and we'd like to make it the biggest and best game it can be. 

For each stretch goal we meet, we'll add more cards to the main deck AND to the NSFW expansion pack. 

We've already increased the base game from 225 to 275 cards, and when we hit $30,000, we'll add another 25, PLUS another 20 NSFW cards. 

And onward from there!

You can play TBH online for free, in your browser, right now! 

We've uploaded a set of 30 sample cards to Screentop now...and we will be adding more over the course of the campaign. 

Click here to visit our Screentop page, which will show you how to set up a game and play with friends over video chat. 

There's no need to download anything; it's browser-based and, again, free. 

Let us know what you think! 

We played ourselves, last week:

On Saturday, we went live on Twitch with a rowdy real-time game of TBH, played on Screentop. 

The archived stream will stay online for 14 days – watch it now!

Check it out and learn all about hooking up at a shuttered Chuck E. Cheese, flying cross-country to see Dr. Pimple Popper, and why Al Gore makes his own bathtub Pepsi. 

Watch this space for updates on when we do this again! 

Thank you again for checking out our game!