
TBH | The Game of Honest Answers to Outrageous Questions

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Get real. Get weird. Get real weird. A party game that puts you into strange scenarios and asks you to predict the unpredictable. Our Kickstarter campaign is over, but you can still order an ADVANCE COPY of TBH on this page! Get your copy direct from the factory! *Advance copies usually take 2–3 weeks to arrive.*

Latest Updates from Our Project:

LAST DAY to back Lineup on Kickstarter!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 05:53:11 PM

As a TBH backer, here's one more courtesy notice that there is (about) 24 HOURS LEFT to back our new game, Lineup, on Kickstarter for just $25 + shipping!

Here's how the game is played:

The base game is "safe for work," but we also have an optional NSFW expansion pack available.

Our new Truth or Drink sets, our other new game Keep it 100 (and, for that matter, copies of TBH), can be added onto any Lineup order, as well.

If you've already secured your copy of Lineup, thank you!

If not: the campaign ends SATURDAY JULY 9. Grab yours today!

TBH coming to retail - And a new game from Cut: LINEUP!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 01:26:14 PM

Hi there, TBH friends! Thank you again for your support of the game. 

We're pleased to report that TBH is now being carried by select retailers! Game stores can get copies through:

  • PSI, Diverse Marketing, or Faire (USA)
  • VR Distribution (Australia/NZ/UK)
  • Universal Distribution (Canada)

You can already find TBH in select Books-a-Million, Calendar Club, and – get this – Forever 21 stores here in the US. How cool is that!!

Interested retailers can also contact our sales team via this link.

So if you love the game, tell your friends to buy a copy at one of those places! 

If you hate the game, go buy them all and throw them away. That'll totally show us.

We also have a new game on Kickstarter right now! 

Based on the Cut series of the same name, it's LINEUP:

And the base game is only $25!!

Check out the pitch video and let us know what you think! Thanks again!!

- Dave @ Cut

TBH has arrived in the US!
about 3 years ago – Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 07:19:48 PM

Great news! 

Although backers should have already received your games months ago, we have now received our own inventory of TBH games here at our US warehouse:

To try and make sure everyone gets their game, we have just sent emails to everyone whose pledge we received, but who hasn't yet provided their shipping address. Hopefully we can get you sorted ASAP!

Everyone else SHOULD have gotten a game by now. If you think you should have, but you actually haven't, please message us here on Kickstarter and we will look into the matter for you.

You should have also received the bonus Kickstarter pack of cards! These are NOT available for sale, we made them just for you!

Because we now have our games, that means we are now selling the games! 

Orders placed on our website are shipping now!

In case you want to get additional copies or send the link to anyone else!

We also made a video explaining how to play: 

Of course, YOU already know how to play, but I wanted to share the fun video regardless!!

If you HAVE gotten your TBH game...

If you like the game, it's enormously helpful for us if you care to:

  • Share a pic on social media! Tag @cut and if we see it, we'll retweet or share!
  • Leave a review on Amazon! We don't have inventory there yet, but the product page is up already. 
  • Leave a review on our store! You may have gotten an email about this 30 days after your game shipped. I forgot that automated email was set to send, haha. But many of you did leave reviews and we're very grateful! If you follow the link in the email you got, it shows up on our site as "Verified".

Happy holidays everyone!!

TBH games are shipping now!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 02:42:18 AM

Last week, we started shipping TBH games to backers!

By this time next week, we will have shipped 95% of all TBH orders for which we have addresses. Orders to Guam / Puerto Rico / military addresses will be the last to go out; they might take an additional week or two.

If you haven't provided us with your address yet, search your inbox for "BackerKit," or just click here to go to our BackerKit page.

Special note about split shipments:

If you had a lot of things in your order – multiple games including expansion packs – then you might receive them in multiple shipments. You might get one tracking email, then it might be a few days before you get another one.

This is because while we are shipping all the TBH games directly from China, we do have some inventory of the other games in the US, and so we'll be breaking those into split shipments when convenient. 

Rest assured we have good records of everything in your order. If you are at all confused, feel free to drop us a line and we'll double-check what we see on our end. If anything ends up missing, we'll of course make it right.

This is very exciting and we can't wait to hear who the first person to receive their TBH game might end up being!!! Might it be...YOU???

Surveys are coming! And...a very special announcement!
over 3 years ago – Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 07:08:42 PM

Kickstarter Surveys

Good news, friends...We are MOMENTS AWAY from sending BackerKit address surveys for TBH! 

Watch for an email from BackerKit with your unique link. If you don't see the email, you can also click here to go to our BackerKit page

This survey is how you provide us with your shipping address for your order, so please fill it out as soon as you can, and double-check the address for accuracy!

If you're going to be moving in the next month or so, please enter the address you will be moving TO, or an address that can reliably receive packages for you (like your parents’ place if you’re at school, maybe?).

If you’re unsure about the best address to use, then please WAIT until you are sure – you can always come back and put in an address later on, if you’re mid-move at the moment. We’ll send reminders periodically to anyone we don’t get an address from right away.

Game Shipping Update

The brand-new TBH games have now left the factory and are making their way to our fulfillment warehouse at this very moment. 

This means we will start sending orders really dang soon! You’ll get an email with tracking information once your order ships. You may get multiple emails if your order is split into multiple shipments by our computers for some helpful reason.

Orders may then take 2–4 weeks to cross the various oceans between you and the warehouse. If you live close to the warehouse, you’ll get yours sooner!

Please note: if you pledged at a level that included a sweatshirt, you probably already have your sweatshirt. The survey asks for your size again, just because it is a computer form. That’s OK. Go ahead and answer the question anyway, and we’ll tell the computers that you already have it.

If you have NOT yet received your sweatshirt, then obviously, this is how we will know what size sweatshirt to send you.

Watch TBH on YouTube!

There are now four episodes of TBH on our channel! It's a loose adaptation of the game but it's got all the awkward charm. Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 


And finally... A Special Announcement! 

We kept this a secret from you: for the past several months, we’ve ALSO been working behind-the-scenes on new, expanded, refreshed versions of Fear Pong and Truth or Drink.

This means if you pledged for a copy of either game, you will be the VERY FIRST people to receive the NEW, IMPROVED editions! 

These new games have ALSO been sent to our fulfillment warehouse – in fact, they are ALREADY THERE, waiting eagerly to be added to TBH orders.

If you DIDN’T pledge for those games alongside TBH, you can still get them! You can add one or both to your order when you fill out your survey, and pay the extra amount when you confirm your address on BackerKit. 

These games will not be available via regular retail sale until later on this fall, so this is the WORLD PREMIERE of these 2 titles. 

“The best place to launch a game is deep in a Kickstarter update for an unrelated game,” is what I always say. I’m always saying it!!

About the new games

  • The new Truth or Drink: Second Edition comes with over 400 question cards. About 80% of the questions are either new or revised from the original edition.
  • Each box also contains our brand-new Buy a Round cards, to make more people answer any question, as well as for the first time, a handful of blank cards – for brewing up your own spicy inquiries.

Old vs. new:

  • The new Fear Pong: Internet Famous Refreshed comes with 215 bold & bitter dares (increased from 200), on 108 waterproof cards. As before, it also includes 12 more blank cards, to write your own dares, and 2 red balls to hold, throw, and clutch for courage.
  • The Refreshed edition contains over 60% new content compared to the original Internet Famous game. We've revised, topped off, rewritten, and expanded the game to make it an even weirder and more daring experience.

 As before, this is a game best suited for people with a high tolerance for scandal. No change there.

Both of these new games will show up when you fill out your address survey! Enjoy being the FIRST PEOPLE EVER to get copies of them!!